
太白网 / 讲话范文 / 历山风景区英文导游词范文

  Everyone, first of all, represent of Anhui travel agent, I welcome all of you to Lishan Mountain Scenic Area to visit. Let me introduce myself, I was Wang Ping, is your guide during this tour. You can call me guide Wang. Sitting close to me is our driver. We hope that our services could make you satisfied; we also hope that you could have a good visit experience today.

  Now, let me introduce you Lishan Mountain Scenic Area briefly.

  Lishan, known as the mountain of the king Shun, is about 12 kilometers far away from the East Town, close to 206 National Road, Jinhu Nature Reserve Landscape, east Daogongci, natural towers, and other famous scenic spots. In 1998, it was approved by the provincial government to the provincial level scenic area, in 2001 was named the first batch of Grade AA national tourist areas.

  In our legend, Lishan is where the Yao and Shun Abdication and not only has a long history and many cultural relics, but also is very beautiful natural landscape. It is divided into West area, underground caverns area, Fazang temple area, the Eastern Wangjiang Taiwan, and other five areas.

  We now come to the West area. First of all, we can see an arch gate attraction, which is 12.88m high and 13.8m wide. The style of arch is Hui style, with three floors and four pillars. And it is carved by White Marble. "Lishan" word is Bao Tin Masters’ original handwriting. "Yao and Shun towards the Pure Land" is written by the famous Chinese Calligraphist, vice chairman of Chinese Calligraphy association ZHONG Ming Shan. This words show the tremendous changes of Lishan. The arch was destroyed in the war.The one we now have seen is rebuilt by the original style and now it has become the particular sign of the Lishan area.

  Now we go to Yao Shun Cultural Square. This Sakura garden is planted in April the 23-24 of 2003 by the 29 volunteers from Japan Kochi and many our people. Including Sakura, plum blossom, Ginkgo biloba, bamboo, this project witnesses the China-Japanese friendship and cooperation. As the first item in Anhui Jiangnan, it also hints the China-Japanese friendship in the 21st century toward the more glorious.

  You can freely take photographs, Tour. 20 minutes later, we will gather in the plaza to where there are the most scenic areas and the most profound cultural connotation in Lishan attractions ----Fazang temple scenic spots and the cave scenic spot.

  You tourists, the area where we are now are the area of the cave. By the roadside is Barn swallow hole. This hole goes through the Yangtze River and was named swallow hole Because of too much Swallow inside. Lack of repairs in long-term, it has been dust-laden for a long time and occupied by the bats. People can hardly enter it. In double dragon hole, the limestone formation of the calcification looks like two giant dragon roaming and life likely. The local people said that they are the embodiment of Yao and Shun king.

  There is still Tiger hole, the 8- Prophet Hole, 100-dragon hole, and cloud hole near this hole.

  After the cave wonders, through the mountains and the path, we come to another spot-- Bamboo sea. This Bamboo Sea has been extended to the Peak, a famous ancient Toll of the Temple Fazang. Wangjiang stage is placed in the Green shadow of the bamboo sea. By the stone steps, we come to the foot of Fazang temple .We can see that at the end of the sky-like stage, the temple looks like hanging in midair and being wrapped by the Sacred light. It is also hanging like a piece of an ink painting. A solemn feeling of intelligence arises spontaneously. Entered the Temple, there is a pair of Scrolls on both sides: "kind and the people know, not real kind. Evil afraid known, is the big evil," I do not know whether you can comprehend about the true meaning of Buddhism. When we finished the last step, a big censer meets us. It is heavy enough, and it is for the visitors who had come from far away to offer joss sticks. Looking up, the kind-looking and self-confidence Buddha Maitreya smiles toward you. It is precisely this "often laugh, laugh ridiculous, people of the world; big stomach to accommodate, accommodate the things hard to accommodate”. His open-minded and looking down at all creatures affected us.

  After the king hall is Treasure hall. In the middle is Skamania Buddha, with the 18 Arhats standing on his both sides. Surrounded by incense wind, you will easily come from the light atmosphere into the Buddhist world; it seems that we are doing a wash to soul.

  We finish the Fazang temple, now it is the end of the trip here today. I thank everyone for your support and cooperation; I hope that you can give me valuable opinions and suggestions.

  the good thing is the new goods or old friends. This time, we are new friends. If you have the opportunity to come back next time we will be old friends. I hope by that time I could once again serve you. Look forward to seeing you again and I wish you a good trip, thank you!




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